Wednesday, July 20, 2005


"As pessoas estão sempre culpando as circunstâncias pelo que elas são. Eu não acredito em circunstâncias. As pessoas que dão certo na vida são aquelas que, quando acordam, procuram pelas circunstâncias que desejam. Se não as encontram, elas as criam. E deve ser este o espírito de cada um de nós."
-- Bernard Shaw

Friday, July 08, 2005

And in the first day..

Yeah.. let's see till where we can go.
I'm not someone tha likes to write a lot, but who knows, maybe this time could be different.
This is the sad of being awake by this time, you can't think about anything..
Today was a good day, it was not so cold, the sun even showed itself. But, of course, nothing is perfect,
I postponed a course.. well, you know.. I've a lot of things to do.. but everytime I say this I remember that lack of time is an excuse! Then, I could put the money to blame.. but money isn't a problem, it's the solution.. the lack of money that is the problem.. just complaining again, one of my main characteristics.
This year is going to be a interesting one to me, my girlfriend got pregnant.. and all the things point out that I am the father of course. Next February I'll become a dad!
We met four years ago on a beach, we were all shyness. As a matter of fact, we got chemistry! So, nothing to worrie about. But.. it's a new human being comming to face us. This scares a bit. But we have support from both families and from ourserlves too, we can and we will get on this.
Well, it's a good first post.. so, the sun will shine early tomorrow and I've a lot of work..
That's it!